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Fun Facts About Elephants
The life of Elephants are in our hands
Background information Elephants are endangered due to the hunting for their ivory tusks and habitat loss. They officially became endangered during the year of 2011. Elephants in dry regions are able to smell water close to the surface of the ground and use their tusks to dig small waterholes. Some animals in the same habitat as these elephants rely on the small water holes, without elephants, some animals could die from thirst. Elephants are extremely important in the ecosystem and we should try our best to protect them from any further killing.
The scientific name for an African elephant is loxodonta africana and the scientific name for an Asian elephant is elephas maximus. Elephants in Asia are smaller than elephants in Africa. The average elephant height is 13 feet or 4 meters.
Did You Know?
A female elephant is called a cow!!